Job Interview Question and Answer

1.       Q= tell us about yourself   A= Hi my name is siti faizah and i came from jakarta,indonesia , i was born in 1996 and im fresh gra...

1.      Q= tell us about yourself 
A= Hi my name is siti faizah and i came from jakarta,indonesia , i was born in 1996 and im fresh graduate from gunadarma university. I studied accounting in that university because i really enjoy that course since i was in senior high school and also when i was in senior high school i won the 1st place for national accounting olympic in malang. So based on that experience since i study and join in a few competition i'd like to continue my skill in accounting into the next level as an accountant in a big company like this company, and also I really interested to work in this company.

2.      Q = why should we hire you?
A = you should hire me because i'm the best person for this job as you know i have complete all your requirements and i really sure i can do the best than other candidate do.

3.      Q= what is the reason behind leaving your last job ?
A= there is no reason, because i am a fresh graduate and i don't have any job before.

4.      Q = why have you been unemployed such a long time ?
A = because i'm a fresh graduate.

5.      Q = tell me your ability to work under pressure
A = i have just to stay calm, take a deep breath and think the best solution for the problem who make the pressure. Everyone should face the pressure at some or another time. Because pressure is a challenge to improve my skill.

6.      Q = tell me your job experience
A = I don't have any job experience because it is the first time for me to get a job interview.

7.      Q=  what are your expectations from job ?
A= my expectation is i hope i can do the best for this company and for this job and i can get the precious experience.

8.      Q= describe your management style
A= if i'm a manager i will understanding and be patient with my employee. It's about to keep everything under control and make the best team for work.

9.      Q= are you a team player ?
A= yes of course, because if we are work in team we can work easier and get the best solution also best result.

10.  Q= what irritate you about co-worker ?
A= I don’t have co-worker yet so I don’t know what irritate me

11.  Q= how long would you expect to work for us if hired ?
A= as long as i fell comfort for this work and as long as i get what i need to get

12.  Q= how do you see tourself 5 years from now ?
A= five years from now i hope i can get the higher position with a lot responsibility throughout dedication for this company.

13.  Q= do you consider yourself successful?
A= yes i do, because i work well in a team player and also work well by my self, i'm a quick learner and motivated.

14.  Q= what is your weakness?
A= i care too much about my work sometimes i forget to eat.

15.  Q= what is your strengths?
A= I really good for teamwork, i can speak in 4 language english, indonesia, japan, Germany.

16.  Q= what position do you prefer on a team working on a project ?
A= I am pleased to be positioned anywhere as long as the position I am still in touch with my skills.

17.  Q= how much salary do you expect ?
A= i would like to go with this company policy

18.  Q= are you ready to be replaced anytime to other city or abroad?
A= if my family agree and ready to sent me, i also ready to doing that.


1.        I’d apply for a job if I thought I covered about 60% of the requirements. Answer= Yes Reason      = Because, I already ...

1.      I’d apply for a job if I thought I covered about 60% of the requirements.
Answer= Yes
Reason      = Because, I already have the 60% of the requirements.
2.      I’d accept the salary offered at a job interview.
Answer= Yes
Reason      = Because, if I am a fresh graduate I think I can’t negotiate my salary.
3.      I’ always try to negotiate my salary at a job interview.
Answer= No
Reason      = I think no for fresh graduate because most of the fresh graduate don’t have job experience.
4.      I’d lie at a job interview for example about my skill or job experience.
Answer= No
Reason      = it’s Big No, because every single thing who start lie and then the result will be bad.
5.      If I am going to succeed and be promoted, someone else will have to lose.
Answer= Yes
Reason      = because the opportunity doesn’t come twice, and then the world of work is so hard. If we always give up, when we get the success.
6.      At a job interview,  I’d ask : “what can your company do for my career?”
Answer= No

Reason      = I think for fresh graduate is no need to ask that position.

The Example of Simple Present and Simple Past Tense

Simple Present Tense 1.       (+) You are the apple of my eye (-) You are not the apple of my eye (?) Are you the apple of my eye? ...

Simple Present Tense

1.      (+) You are the apple of my eye
(-) You are not the apple of my eye
(?) Are you the apple of my eye?

2.      (+) I am hungry
(-) I am not hungry
(?) Am I hungry?

3.      (+) I want to go out
(-) I don’t want to go out
(?) Do I want to go out?

4.      (+) I speak English fluently
(-) I don’t speak English fluently
(?) Do I speak English fluently?

Simple past Tense

1.      (+) I was busy last night
(-) I was not busy last night
(?) was I busy last night ?

2.      (+) He was very smart long time ago
(-) He was not very smart long time ago
(?) Was he very smart long time ago?

3.      (+) Rahma and I went to cinema last week
(-) Rahma and I didn’t go to cinema last week
(?) Did Rahma and I go to cinema last week?

4.      (+) I hated so much
(-) I didn’t hate it so much
(?) Did I hate it so much?

Business Letter

20 th October, 2016. Mr Irfan, General Manager Maisya Makmur Corp. Jakarta, Indonesia Dear Mr.Irfan, The purpose of this l...

20th October, 2016.
Mr Irfan,
General Manager
Maisya Makmur Corp.
Jakarta, Indonesia

Dear Mr.Irfan,
The purpose of this letter is to invite you to attend an offer of partnership meeting on Monday 31st October 2016 at Head Office of Podomoro Land Company from 10 AM until finish.
The purpose of this meeting is to invite some of the constructions company to join us for work together in building residences with Go Green concept. As you know this would be a good project for us and for our environment. The meeting will be followed by the project presentation by our CEO and thereafter some discussions related to this project. It would be a great honour for us to have you at the partnership meeting.
We look forward to have your esteemed presence at the partnership meeting. Please send us a confirmation reply as soon as possible.
Thank you for your attention.


Siti Faizah
Podomoro Land Company

Contoh Paragraf Deduktif dan Paragraf Induktif

1.       Paragraf Deduktif Handphone sangat berguna bagi kehidupan manusia . Perangkat komunikasi ini bisa menjadi alat komunikasi yang...

1.      Paragraf Deduktif

Handphone sangat berguna bagi kehidupan manusia. Perangkat komunikasi ini bisa menjadi alat komunikasi yang sangat efektif. Mereka bisa menghubungkan dua orang atau lebih meski terlampau jarak yang sangat jauh dan bahkan dengan waktu yang sangat cepat. Disamping sebagai alat komunikasi, handphone juga bisa menjadi alat bantu serba guna. Zaman sekarang ini handphone telah dibuat dengan menambahkan fitur – fitur yang bermanfaat bagi kehidupan manusia misalnya Google map, kalkulator, penyimpan photo, memo, dan lain – lain. Fitur – fitur tersebut bisa membantu manusia memudahkan pekerjaannya. Contohnya adalah jika manusia tersesat, mereka bisa menggunakan aplikasi Google map di handphone miliknya.

2.      Paragraf Induktif

Merokok bisa menyebabkan gangguan pernafasan, seperti bronkitis, asma, dan lainnya. Hal ini dikarenakan asap yang masuk ke dalam tubuh sangatlah berbahaya. Selain menyebabkan gangguan pada pernafasan, merokok juga bisa menyebabkan kanker paru – paru. Kandungan tar yang ada pada rokok akan memicu sel – sel kanker pada paru – paru untuk berkembang. Terlebih lagi, merokok juga bisa menyebabkan kecanduan.  Nikotin yang ada pada rokok akan mempengaruhi otak untuk terus mengkonsumsi rokok, sehingga membuat perokok susah untuk menghentikannya. Oleh karena itu, merokok sangatlah berbahaya bagi kesehatan manusia.


1.       Kesepadanan Kesepadanan adalah keseimbangan antara gagasan atau pemikiran dengan struktur bahasa yang dipakai dalam kalimat. a...

1.      Kesepadanan
Kesepadanan adalah keseimbangan antara gagasan atau pemikiran dengan struktur bahasa yang dipakai dalam kalimat.
a)      Mengandung unsur gramatikal (SPOK)
Contoh :
·         Tidak Efektif        : Kamil bermain bola.
·         Efektif      : Kamil bermain bola di halaman sekolah.
b)      Tidak menjamakkan objek
Contoh :
·         Tidak efektif         : Ayah sakit sehingga ayah tidak dapat masuk kerja.
·         Efektif                  : Ayah sakit sehingga tidak dapat masuk kerja.

2.      Kesejajaran
Ciri-ciri yang satu ini menyangkut soal imbuhan dalam kata-kata yang ada di kalimat, sesuai kedudukannya pada kalimat itu. Pada intinya, kalimat efektif haruslah berimbuhan pararel dan konsisten. Jika pada sebuah fungsi digunakan imbuhan me-, selanjutnya imbuhan yang sama digunakan pada fungsi yang sama.
Contoh      :
·         Tidak efektif         : Hal yang mesti diperhatikan soal sampah adalah cara membuang, memilah, dan pengolahannya.
·         Efektif                   : Hal yang mesti diperhatikan soal sampah adalah cara membuang, memilah, dan mengolahnya.

3.      Ketegasan
Memberikan penekanan dalam suatu kalimat dengan cara :
a)      Meletakkan kata yang ingin di tonjolkan di depan kalimat
Contoh :
·         Tidak efektif   : Pada kesempatan lain, kami berharap kita dapat membicarakan lagi soal ini.
·         Efektif            : Harapan kami adalah agar soal ini dapat kita bicarakan lagi pada kesempatan lain.
b)      Membuat urutan yang bertahap
Contoh :
·         Tidak efektif   : Bukan seribu, sejuta, atau seratus, tetapi berjuta-juta rupiah, telah disumbangkan kepada anak-anak terlantar.
·         Efektif                        : Bukan seratus, seribu, atau sejuta, tetapi berjuta-juta rupiah, telah disumbangkan kepada anak-anak terlantar.
c)      Melakukan pengulangan kata
Contoh :
·         Tidak efektif   : Cetita itu menarik, mengharukan.
·         Efektif                        : Cerita itu menarik, cerita itu juga mengharukan.
d)     Menggunakan partikel –Lah, -Pun, -Kan
Contoh :
·         Tidak efektif   : Kamu sapulah lantai rumah agar bersih!
·         Efektif                        : Sapulah lantai rumahmu agar bersih!

4.      Kehematan
Tidak menggunakan kata/ frasa yang tidak diperlukan.
Contoh :
·         Tidak efektif         : Ia memakai baju warna biru.
·         Efektif                   : Ia memakai baju biru.

5.      Kecermatan
Kecermatan adalah bahwa kalimat itu tidak menimbulkan tafsir ganda, dan tepat dalam pilihan kata.
Contoh :
·         Tidak efektif         : Guru baru pergi ke ruang guru.
·         Efektif                   : Guru yang baru pergi ke ruang guru.

6.      Kepaduan
Tidak bertele- tele dan langsung ke inti kalimat.
Contoh :
·         Tidak efektif         : Saudara saya yang paling kecil menendang dengan sekuat tenaganya kemarin sore di lapangan bola.
·         Efektif                   : Saudara saya yang paling kecil kemarin sore menendang bola di lapangan, dengan sekuat tenanganya.

7.      Kelogisan
Unsur- unsur dalam kalimat harus berdasarkan logika dan nyata.
Contoh :
·         Tidak efektif         : Bapak penceramah, waktu dan tempat saya persilakan. 
·         Efektif                   : Bapak penceramah, saya persilakan untuk naik ke podium